Is it accurate to say that you are attempting to discover adjust in a room that has both a TV and a chimney? It's a typical problem in numerous families, and one that is not effectively settled. In many rooms, the chimney is situated to be the point of convergence, regularly in the focal point of the longest divider. On the off chance that there were no TV to consider, furniture situation would be generally basic. Be that as it may, toss in a TV, and room courses of action turn out to be substantially more unpredictable, as both the TV and the chimney should be the focal point of consideration.

With the approach of level screen TVs, the least difficult arrangement is to put the TV over the chimney. There are 2 primary worries with this thought. you can find the best electric fireplace tv stand in the online market place.

The warmth from a wood-consuming or gas chimney is excessively extreme for some TV's

The shelf on the current chimney is likely too high to permit happy with survey of the TV above

When working with a wood-or gas-consuming chimney, these 2 issues are interwoven, on the grounds that the shelf is important to redirect the warmth from the TV, and it should be sufficiently high to meet leeway necessities of the chimney beneath.

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What to do? On the off chance that you supplant your gas-or wood-consuming flame with an electric chimney, you can maintain a strategic distance from both of these issues. Since the fire impact of an electric chimney is made without consuming any fuel, there are no freedom issues for chimney encompasses or shelves. Along these lines, you can abandon a shelf, or place the shelf sufficiently low to permit agreeable TV viewing. (We suggest that the base of the TV be no higher than 42" off the floor.) And at 5000 BTU's or less, the warmth yield of an electric chimney won't harm a TV above it. (Contrast with a common warmth yield of 30,000 to 40,000 BTU's for a gas chimney.

An electric firebox can be embedded directly into the current chimney opening, or you could pick to totally expel the current chimney and begin with a new outline that fuses an electric chimney. Some electric fireboxes really accompany a decreased warmth yield, so as to limit the wattage on the unit, so it might be connected to an indistinguishable circuit from your TV, without over-burdening the circuit. This implies in the event that you are not in a position to add a devoted outlet to the space, you can in any case have a TV and a chimney working at the same time.

If you favor a more contemporary look, why not introduce a divider mounted electric chimney on your divider, with the TV mounted previously? Simply make certain to pick a chimney on which the warmth is ousted out the base and not out the best. While the warmth yield is far not as much as a gas or wood-consuming chimney, despite everything you don't need any warmth specifically blowing onto your TV.


In the event that you pondering whether to go for an electric chimney TV stand or not, I know your brain is made up. These are incredible pieces not just that they give you a fresh out of the box new TV watching knowledge yet in addition give your room a superior look. On the off chance that you